Draft of Delaware’s statewide historic preservation plan available for comment

The Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs is seeking public input on the first draft of Delaware’s statewide historic-preservation plan for 2018–2022. Click here to download a copy of the draft.

Division staff, working with consultant Heritage Strategies, recently completed the first draft of the plan. The current draft contains only the text portions of the proposed document. Photographs, charts and artwork will be added in a later draft.

The plan provides background on the issues that affect historic preservation in the state, outlines goals for the next five years and proposed strategies for achieving them. In particular, comments are sought regarding the following:

  • The approach to the plan
  • The vision statement
  • The proposed goals, strategies and actions (Chapter Seven)
  • Suggested partners to help carry out the plan. (Discussed in Chapter Four and connected with the proposed actions in Chapter Seven)

Comments, suggestions and additions should be sent, via e-mail, to preservationplan@delaware.gov no later than May 4, 2018.

Required as part of the state’s Historic Preservation Fund grant from the National Park Service, the division prepares Delaware’s historic preservation plan with input from stakeholders. The plan provides all Delawareans who are passionate about historic preservation with a framework for effective decision-making, for coordinating statewide preservation activities and for communicating statewide preservation policy, goals and values to the preservation constituency, decision-makers and interested and affected parties across Delaware.

Questions? Please contact Beverly Laing at (302) 736-7437 (bev.laing@delaware.gov) or Gwen Davis (302) 736-7410 (gwen.davis@delaware.gov). Thank you!

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